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Diskussion Was hälst du von Haikyuu?


Otaku Amateur
26 Jan. 2023
Hallo! Ich bin Daisy und komme aus Taiwan.
Zuerst, warum bin ich hier? Ich habe Deutsch-dub Anime gesucht, weil ich Deutsch lernen will.
In dieser Sommer, meine Freundin Sophia hat 排球少年(Haikyuu!) zu mir vorgestellt.
In Taiwan, die meisten Leute wissen Haikyuu. Der ist sehr gut bekannt.
Ich schaue Haikyuu an und der gefällt mir!!! Ich finde der so anregend und schaue ihn schon vier mal an.
Okay, I just killed many brain cells trying to write "easy" German sentences... T A T
I promise to only write some German sentences and keep the rest in English to save you all from a huge reading headache.
And to be honest, my German skills right now won't be sufficient enough to have any in depth discussions or conversations.
Although please correct my German sentences if you have time 🙏🙏🙏 I would be so grateful!

Anyway, if you have watched Haikyuu...
I'm curious to know!
(1) Did you enjoy it? Why?
(2)Who are your favorite characters and/or story arcs?
(3)Did you play sports growing up? Do you have any personal stories that is similar to any moments or emotions in the show?

Let's talk! I'll give my personal answers in my next post :)
Also, I do want to make some German friends. Feel free to say hi in the reply space!



No time to play!
Animes.so Staff
Otaku König
14 Dez. 2011
Bisher habe ich nur die erste Staffel von Haiykuu! geschaut und fand den bis dahin sehr interessant. So ganz gepackt hat der mich aber nicht, weshalb ich den zurzeit pausiert habe. Vielleicht werde ich den wieder anfangen, wenn Blue Lock (Empfehlenswert!!) vorbei ist.

Anyway, if you have watched Haikyuu...
I'm curious to know!
(1) Did you enjoy it? Why?
(2)Who are your favorite characters and/or story arcs?
(3)Did you play sports growing up? Do you have any personal stories that is similar to any moments or emotions in the show?

1. Ja, mir gefiel es, wie sie als Team zusammengespielt haben und auch, wie sie stetig versucht haben besser zu werden. Die Charaktere waren unterschiedlich und auch witzig.
2. Dazu kann ich leider noch nichts sagen. Jetzt würde ich Hinata sagen.
3. Ich war in diversen Sportvereinen (Fußball, Kampfsport, Basketball, Tischtennis, usw) und muss sagen, dass auch dort die selbe Harmonie und die selbe Ambition herrscht, wie es im Anime widergespiegelt wird.


Otaku Amateur
26 Jan. 2023
(Fully English post ahead.
Tut mir leid. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen von zu viel Deutsch denken.
Ich probiere in Deutsch noch mal später.)
Was hälst du von Haikyuu? (meine Anwort)

I was putting off watching it for the longest time, because it's one of those shows that EVERYONE knows and loves. I've never tried watching any sports anime before, so I wasn't sure if it would be my cup of tea. Well... like I said in my last post, my friend Sophia forced me (lovingly of course XD) to watch Haikyuu. To at least try it out and discuss with her.

I absolutely fell in love with the show. Growing up, I've never played any sports competitively because of my heart condition. So it's really interesting to see from the viewpoint of an athlete. All the training and teamwork to reach a collective end goal is truly heartwarming.

Another personal reason why I find Haikyuu so inspiring is the idea of "facing failure and what to do afterwards." I think I tend to not try at all if I'm at a disadvantage or am likely to fail at something. But after watching Haikyuu, I think of life a little differently now. If I failed at something, I could think of Haikyuu, channel the passionate energy of the characters, pick myself up and keep going. For me, that's what makes this anime so special.

Lastly, the characters are so diverse and three dimensional. Not everyone can identify with Hinata's energetic superpower, so Haikyuu created so many characters that have their own reasons for playing and loving Volleyball. And I think that creates more empathy and understanding within a team and as a viewer thinking about real life friend groups and challenges as well.

Vielen Dank für lesen!
Nächstes Mal schreibe ich eine Post über meine Anime Geschichte.
Was schaue ich an? Wann fange ich an?
Bis dann!
