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London Romance (Nowaki Nei) - XRA9


Assrape America!
2 Aug. 2013
London Romance [LQ] (Nowaki Nei) - XRA9

London Romance



Ann Hardy is gentle, loyal young maid who starts working for a slightly eccentric middle-aged gentleman named Victor Glenn who lost his beloved wife to disease. Soon, Ann's sweet smile wins Victor over, and the two gradually become closer... but between them stands the staunch wall of "social status."

This is a sweet, gentle love story about a teenage maid and a middle-aged gentleman, set in late 19th century London.​

Sprache/Language : Englisch/English
Anzahl Bände/Number of volumes: 1
Format: CBZ
Auflösung/Resolution: 400x577 (!!!)
Source: eigener Rip
Hoster: Share-Online

Datei Info:
Hier mal ein Beispiel, wie man's falsch macht. Klar haben die Lesegeräte alle Minibildschirme, aber diese Auflösung ist einfach eine Zumutung. Dieses Release soll deshalb mehr als ein abschreckendes Beispiel dienen als alles andere.

Here's an example for how to do it wrong. The common reading devices may all have tiny screens, but such an image resolution is really an imposition. Therefore, this release shall serve as a cautionary example more than anything.


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