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Otaku Amateur
28 Jan. 2012
Hab's vergessen xO
Konban wa!

Wollte mal fragen, ob hier jemand Osu spielt? xO
Name: Zalnard

Für andere, die nicht wissen, was Osu ist:

osu! is a freeware rhythm video game for Microsoft Windows. It is written in C# implementing the .NET Framework. Its gameplay is based on commercial titles including Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, Elite Beat Agents and Taiko no Tatsujin.
Game levels are called beatmaps. In each beatmap, a song will play and different hit elements (hit circles, sliders and spinners) will appear on the play field. Players must use a pointing device to manipulate these elements in time with the playing song's rhythm in order to earn points. While the mouse is considered the most popular input device, combinations of mouse, Tablet PC, graphics tablet and keyboard can be utilised.

Ps: Osu bietet hauptsächlich nur japanische Songs an.

osu! - rhythm is just a click away


Otaku Amateur
28 Jan. 2012
Ich bin voll der Pro im Spiel gewesen....dann hab ich mir meine Hand gebrochen xO
ne Spaß beiseite ^^
wurd mir nach ner Zeit zu fad, aber weisst du ya Bejan =P
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