Schöne Anime Zitate


Otaku Amateur
25 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

Das zitat ist zwar aus einem Manga aber ich finde es trotzdem recht schön.

"You Idiot! What kind of Master take a Blow for his Supporter?! It's my Job to Protect you! so what are you try to Achieve by Defending me!!" - Mordred
"You're the were standing there awestruck so that it came to this. and there is no use in being angry at me with a face like that you know." - Tasha
[Witch Hunter, Chapter 89]


Otaku Novize
2 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"Es interessiert mich nicht wie krank du früher gewesen bist, ich werde dich Heiraten, egal welche Behinderung du hast.
Auch wenn du nicht Laufen kannst nicht stehen kannst oder auch Kinder bekommen kannst ich werde dich trotzdem heiraten.
Ich werde für immer bei dir sein, es ist ja keine falsche Yui die hier vor mir stehet, du bist es wo auch immer wir uns begegnen werden ich hätte mich so oder so in dich verliebt,
und wenn wir uns zu einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1 zu 60 Milliarden wieder begegnen und du in dieser Welt auch gelähmt bist, Ich werde dich Heiraten!."

Angel Beats, Hinata zu Yui


Otaku Novize
26 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

Ach egal seis drum, wir legen die Hände auf keinen fall in den Schos und legen gleich mal richtig los. Soul Eater Schimigami
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Otaku Novize
26 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

Wehr auf Robin wohl schoss? Durch wen sein Blut dan wohl floss? Wer hob aus sein Grab? Wer sich wohl dem Leid hingab? Wer leutet die Trauerglocken? Armer Robin du tust einem leid! Shakugan no Shana


pillaging in the name of the oni
Otaku König
17 Mai 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"Jeder weiß das schöne Blumen giftig sind und Stacheln haben. Stirb nicht, wenn du sie pflückst." - Ore no Kanojo.


Otaku Amateur
25 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"... If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate." - Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]

"Are you any different!? You sacrificed yourself to save me that time!! At that time were you thinking about complicated stuff like "this is my Shinigami duty"!? That's not what sacrificing yourself is!! At the very least... I'm different!! I haven't accepted any commitment... If things get bad I might run away... since I'm not a good enough person to be able to sacrifice my life for total strangers. But... unfortunately I'm also not trash that can live happily without paying back his debts!" - Ichigo Kurosaki zu Rukia Kuchiki [Bleach]

"At first, I thought "I want to protect Mom." The ones to protect increased with the birth of my sisters. I kept going to a dojo for the sake of protecting them. I got a bit stronger. The ones I thought I wanted to protect became more and more." - Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]

"I'm not superman, so I can't say anything big like I'll protect everyone on earth. I'm not a modest guy who will say it's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle either. I want to protect a mountain-load of people." - Ichigo Kurosaki zu Uryu Ishida [Bleach]

"All right. Let's do this Chad. You keep doing your thing and don't fight for yourself, but fight for me. And I will fight for you. If you put your life on the line to protect something, then I'll put my life on the line to protect it too." - Ichigo Kurosaki zu Yasutora Sado [Bleach]

"It's meaningless to just live, it's meaningless to just fight. I want to win!" - Ichigo Kurosaki zu Zangetsu [Bleach]

" ‘Our pride’, you said? So that pride you're saying to be so precious, is that connected to killing Rukia? Is it? Then I should stomp on it as you said. 'Cause that's why I obtained this Bankai!" -Ichigo Kurosaki zu Byakuya Kuchiki [Bleach]

"Damn that Kenpachi! He really went all out chasing me down. That was scary as hell. His reiatsu was terrifying. To think that I actually defeated someone like that. I don't even believe it myself." - Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]

"The difference... in strength... what about it? Do you think I should give up... just because you're stronger than me...? I've always known you were strong. Nothing I see now will change my mind. I will defeat you Ulquiorra." -Ichigo Kurosaki zu Ulquiorra Cifer [Bleach]

"Zangetsu, I won't ask you to 'lend me your power' any more. And I won't tell you 'don't get in my way'. I won't even say 'let us fight together'. I'll fight for myself. Thank you, Zangetsu. You are me." -Ichigo Kurosaki zu seinem wahren Zangetsu [Bleach]

"I'm not saying I don't remember your blade. I'm saying I don't remember your heart. When you cross blades, you can tell a little of what your opponent's thinking. I'm not saying you can read their mind or anything like that, but you can tell what kind of resolve lies behind their blade, whether they respect you or look down on you. That kind of thing, you can tell. When I'm actually fighting, there's no time to think about it, so I don't usually realize until afterwards, but in general, the stronger the opponent is, the more of that "heart" seems to come across." -Ichigo Kurosaki zu Gin Ichimaru [Bleach]

"Look Muramasa, or whatever your name is... You missed one important thing. You've been calling me a Shinigami this whole time. I'm a Human!" - Ichigo Kurosaki zu Muramasa [Bleach]


Otaku Amateur
25 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"There is nothing, but fear reflected in your sword. When you dodge, you're afraid of getting killed. When you attack, you're afraid of killing someone. Even when you try to protect someone, you're afraid of letting them die. Yes, your sword speaks to me only of absurd fear. What's necessary in a fight isn't fear. Nothing can be born of that. When you dodge, "I won't let them cut me." If you protect someone, "I won't let them die." If you attack, "I will kill them." Well, can't you see the resolve to kill you in my sword?" - Kisuke Urahara zu Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]

"No choice then. I hate the word 'deathblow', but here comes the deathblow." - Coyote Starrk zu Love & Rose [Bleach]

"I hate rain. It rains in here, too. When you are moody, it becomes cloudy. When you are sad, the rain comes down... I can't stand it. Can you understand? How horrible it is to get rained on when you are all alone in an empty world? In order to prevent that from happening... I'll lend you whatever power you need! If you can trust me... I won't let one drop of rain fall from that sky! Trust me... you are not alone in battle... Ichigo!" Quincy Zangetsu zu Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]

"Ichigo. You have become strong. I have had the pleasure of standing by your side all this time, watching you grow. What greater happiness can there be? I am satisfied." Quincy Zangetsu zu Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]


Otaku Novize
18 Juli 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

Scheiße, es sind so viele Leute, denen ich auf's Maul hauen will, dass ich mir so langsam mal eine Liste machen sollte... : Full Metal Alchemist
"Sagt... Was denkt ihr? Wann stirbt ein Mensch?
Wenn er von einer Kugel getroffen wird? NEIN !
Wenn er am Herzen leidet oder eine andere schwere Krankheit hat? NEIN !!
Man stirbt, wenn man vergessen wird..."
Doc Bader One Piece :3


Otaku Novize
19 Sep. 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

Hmm, viele gute wurden ja bereits genannt, aber was mir auch sehr gefällt ist wohl von Blood + "Nankurunaisa" von George Miyagusuku


Otaku Experte
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"Denn auch im Schatten der Hoffnung lauert die Verzweiflung"
- Der ist von 7 Samurai, ist vielleicht kein Anime, aber ein berühmter japanischer Film aus den 60'.

"Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils."
- Vicious, Cowboy Bebop

"Was zur Hölle denkst du wer ich eigentlich bin? Ich bin Simon und ich bin ich und nicht mein Bruder, Ich bin Simon der Bohrer!"
Simon, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


Otaku Novize
23 Sep. 2013
AW: Schöne Anime Zitate

"Man kann nie wissen, was geschehen wird" (oder so ähnlich) von Levi/Rivaille aus Shingeki no Kyojin

Der Satz hatte mich - insbesondere eben in seinem Kontext - echt zum Nachdenken angeregt...
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